The art of mosaic is ancient, it comes from afar. He has experienced flourishing periods of great appreciation on the market, until the change in taste, new trends and the latest generation materials have relegated it to the margins of the sector. Thanks to companies like Boxer able to reinvent the design, shapes and colors, this product has fortunately acquired new freshness and met the liking of buyers.
Tiles in glass paste mix with marble and stone. The transparency of the glass is added to a material effect, a satin crystal to a polished marble. The geometries are renewed, they break the pure patterns of the square and the rectangle and express themselves in rhombuses, hexagons, circles, in the imprecise shapes of the river stones or the harsh ones of the stone effect strips.
The color pantone is wide, nuances from the softer to the brightest and most variegated of the vintage multicolor wall tiles, in which travertine is the master.
Last but not least, the wood peeps. The wood deck collection offers an amazing decoration made of boards taken from ancient boats and then renovated without losing the original colors of the time. Each piece measures 10×100 cm. A box contains 10 axes including 6 random color and 4 without paint. The mix produces an inimitable look in every room of the house or commercial space. The thickness is about 10 mm. The block version is also interesting: the wooden forms, after having undergone a totally hand-crafted procedure of 6 phases (currently unique and which gives a peculiar superficial smoothness), are assembled one next to the other to form these decorations whose aesthetic potential ranges from the premises of the house to the commercial premises.
A new way of interpreting tradition and personalizing your home. As the producer points out, “making a house a home”.